Am I liable for my employees 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) investment performance?

Most plan fiduciaries, TPAs and investment providers believe that by offering a range of investment choices, the fiduciaries effectively avoid liability for investment performance.

                          Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

The law requires many conditions to be met, in order for the liability relieved.

In fact, the DOL stated in it Amicus brief for the Enron proceedings:

“The only circumstances in which ERISA relieves the fiduciary of responsibility for a participant-directed investment is when the plan qualifies as a 404(c) plan. . . . Under ERISA §404(c) . . . a fiduciary is not liable for losses to the plan resulting from the participant’s selection of investment in his own account, provided that the participant exercised control over the investment and the plan met the detailed requirements of a Department of Labor regulation.”

AMDG will audit your defined contribution plan with respect to it compliance with 404(c). Any defects will be presented with recommendations on how to correct them.





· Audit

· Comprehensive

· Know the Real Risks

· No Risk Offer



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 404(c) Consulting Services

AMDG Advisors, Ltd.

For any plan that is found to be in compliance with 404(c), AMDG will refund the entire review fee

Don’t take a chance, and end up being personally liable for Investment Losses


AMDG Risk Free Offer